Thursday, August 11, 2011, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Members/Students: Free
General: $5
Henry Auditorium
Henry Art Gallery
University of Washington, Seattle
The Henry Art Gallery invites you to join artist James Coupe for a screening and discussion of the artist’s recent work with ‘surveillance cinema’ in (re)collector, Surveillance Suite, and the web-based work Today, too, I experienced something I hope to understand in a few days.
James Coupe is an artist whose work focuses on emergent systems, aesthetic machines, autonomy, and networks. His recent work with ‘surveillance cinema’ explores the witting and un-witting relationship between the artist/participant and the viewer/participant. This method of ‘surveillance cinema’ utilizes computer vision software to extract demographic and behavioral information from video footage from a variety of sources including YouTube clips, studio footage, and surveillance camera feeds. The footage is then algorithmically reorganized and recontextualized into narratives, often using cinematic ‘templates’ such as Antonioni’s classic film Blow-Up.
James Coupe has exhibited both nationally and internationally, receiving awards from the U.K. Arts and Humanities Research Board Innovation Award, Creative Capital and Artist’s Trust.
The Talent Show is organized by Peter Eleey for the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and is made possible by generous support from the David Tieger Foundation and Ann M. Hatch. Presentation at the Henry is supported by ArtsFund and the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs. Special thanks to media sponsor Seattle Weekly.