art projects
Categories: Art

Public artwork that automatically generated films using “cinematic moments” captured from custom built cameras distributed throughout a city.

Categories: Art

Four computers search the Internet for meaning, via email accounts set up to attract large quantities of spam.

Categories: Art

9 galleries were networked together, each monitored via sensors. Any changes in one gallery would lead the other eight to adapt their environment to match, using a variety of environmental actuators.

Categories: Art

A telephone call centre, installed inside the Storey Institute, Lancaster UK. The system autonomously adapts itself to human activities inside the building.

Categories: Art

Two galleries were networked together: one containing four robots, one containing live video links to the robots’ onboard cameras, and an interface to control them. Viewers could take control of a robot and try to affect their social environment.

Categories: Art

An installation that asked visitors to send it a cellphone text message. Every 10 minutes the messages were redistributed around the network of people connected to it, activating a shared virtual space occupied by everyone who had ever interacted with it.

Categories: Art

Using autonomous self-organizing software processes, the installation took full control of a building’s electricity system.

Categories: Art

A temporally displaced tourist event focused around a tourist attraction set up on Edinburgh Castle.